Siruma is a coastal municipality in the province of Camarines Sur.
The municipality has a land area of 141.27 square kilometers or 54.54 square miles which constitutes 2.57% of Camarines Sur’s total area. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 17,764. This represented 0.91% of the total population of Camarines Sur province, or 0.31% of the overall population of the Bicol Region. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 126 inhabitants per square kilometer or 326 inhabitants per square mile.
According to the Bureau of Local Government Finance, the annual regular revenue of Siruma for the fiscal year of 2016 was ₱65,699,689.03.
The municipality of Siruma is characterized by upland and hilly topography. Valleys and mountains are located along Taligra of Barangay Poblacion, Tinalojongan of Bagong Sirang adjacent to Barangay Fundado and San Andres which is suited to forestry. Rest of the located barangays are categorically rolling terrains.
The soil of Siruma consits of clay, silt, sand and gravel laid along flood plains and large river valleys. This falls under two groups, namely: soil of mountains and upland areas and soils of plains and valleys.
Siruma belongs to the type II climate with no definite dry seasons and a very pronounced wet season with maximum rainfall from November to January. With its geographical location, almost 90% of the typhoon which passes the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) affect the area.
Heavy rainfall occurs mostly from September to November. However, in the mountainous areas, rainfall is sufficient from June to December except for the month of August which has a generally low rainfall. The months of January to May are relatively dry.
Our Mandate and Functions
Serves primarily as a general purpose government for the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.
The Municipality of Siruma is an agri-eco tourism destination in the Bicol Region with God-loving and empowered people enjoying a progressive economy in a safe and ecologically-balanced environment led by competent and dedicated leaders.
The people of Siruma, commit to preserve and develop all local resources, promote investment opportunities, enhance tourism industry and provide basic services for the attainment of a better quality of life.
Service Pledge
S | – Serve with utmost integrity to our constituents, upholding the principle that “public office is a public trust” |
I | – Invest in the talent, competencies and reliability of our employees anchored on transparent, participatory and accountable governance. |
R | – Role model of an efficient and effective government service and serve with highest degree of professionalism. |
U | – Uncompromising dedication towards an effective achievement of our mission, vision and goals for the inclusive and sustainable development of our Municipality. |
M | – Master the service delivery of every department to our clients towards the optimum realization of our God-centered and government aligned initiatives. |
A | – Act promptly and judiciously without any biases on request of the transacting public and attend to all applicants or requesting parties who are within the premises of the office prior to the end of official working hours and during lunch break. |
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