Organized Fisherfolks/Bantay Dagat are not only fisherfolks but also the caretaker of a respective area of their responsibility. Office or Division: MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURE OFFICE Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C Who may avail: All Farmers CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Duly Accomplished Registration Form Municipal Agriculture Office CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE continue reading : Organization of Fisherfolks / Bantay Dagat
Organization of Farmers Group
The Municipal Agriculture Office assist farmers to form an organization of farmers group. Each organization has its representative. Office or Division: MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURE OFFICE Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C Who may avail: All Farmers CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Duly Accomplished Registration Form Municipal Agriculture Office CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE continue reading : Organization of Farmers Group
Livestock Services
Livestock services are rendered to ensure and promote animal health as well as the owner’s welfare. These services include diagnosis and treatment of prevailing diseases, vitamins administration, iron injection, castration, and deworming. Vaccination against hemorrhagic septicemia, hog cholera, and anti-rabies is also done to prevent or abate occurrence of such diseases. (In coordination with the continue reading : Livestock Services
Soil Analysis and Testing Program
Soil Analysis and Testing Program is conducted to determine the type of soil and the best suitable crop for it. Office or Division: MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURE OFFICE Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C Who may avail: Farmers CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE None Municipal Agriculture Office CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING continue reading : Soil Analysis and Testing Program
Provision of PALAY, Fertilizer and Vegetable Seeds and Other High Value Crop Commodities
The municipal Agriculture Office provides information on the availability of vegetable seeds. The Technologist assigned to a particular barangay may provide the information and conduct an ocular inspection to the area where the seeds are to be planted. And continuous monitoring will be done by the technician to assure that the given seeds were planted. continue reading : Provision of PALAY, Fertilizer and Vegetable Seeds and Other High Value Crop Commodities
Fishery Profiling
Fishery Profiling includes Boat Registration; Fisherfolk Registration; and Gear Registration. It is being conducted in order to monitor the number of fisherfolks and their boats and gears. Office or Division: MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURE OFFICE Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C Who may avail: Fisherfolks CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Duly accomplished application/registration form Municipal Agriculture continue reading : Fishery Profiling